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Non-Financial Data, GRI Standards Content Index

Non-Financial Data Book 


GRI Standards Content Index 


Non-Financial KPI

Decarbonization and effective use of resources

Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators Scope of Coverage Target values Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
CO2 emissions Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units Long-term target: Net zero in fiscal year ended March 31, 2051
Medium-term target: 46% reduction from fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 level by fiscal year ended March 31, 2031
Short-term target: 5% reduction on a year-over-year basis every fiscal year
38.7% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
12.2% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2023
Renewable energy introduction rate Long-term target: 100% in fiscal year ended March 31, 2051
Medium-term target: 50% in fiscal year ended March 31, 2031
Water withdrawal rate (water intake/operating revenue) Decrease from the previous fiscal year 8.2% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2023
Purchase volume of copier and office automation paper 50% reduction from fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 level by fiscal year ended March 31, 2031 45.1% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
Per-unit industrial waste emissions (emissions/operating revenue) Decrease from the previous fiscal year 17.1% increase compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2023
Basic unit of food waste (amount of waste/number of guests) Seibu Prince Hotels Wordwide, Seibu Realty Solutions Decrease from the previous fiscal year※1 7.5% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2023
Purchase volume of products using specified plastics (purchased volume/operating revenue) Seibu Realty Solutions 50% reduction from fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 level by fiscal year ended March 31, 2031※1 44.0% reduction compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2019
Ratio of company-owned land to areas for environmental conservation 30% (27 million㎡) of total company-owned land by fiscal year ended March 31, 2031※2 5.8% (5.26 million㎡)
Environmental certification acquisition rate 100%※3 100%

※1 Hotels managed by Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide and owned by Seibu Realty Solutions are eligible.

※2 Area as of February 2024

※3 Environmental certification includes CASBEE, DBJ. Targets large office buildings (total floor space of 30,000 ㎡ or more).

Building towns people want to live in or visit

Non-financial monitoring indicators Scope of Coverage Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
Number of visitors to tourist destinations
(Chichibu-shi, Kawagoe-shi, Hanno-shi, Karuizawa-machi)
Seibu Railway, Seibu Realty Solutions ・Chichibu-shi:5,022,159 people (Results in 2023)
・Kawagoe-shi:6,576,000 people (Results in 2023)
・Hanno-shi:3,792,391 people (Results in 2023)
・Karuizawa-machi:7,749,000 people (Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results)※1
Population of 28 municipalities along Seibu Railway Seibu Railway 5.56 million people※2

※1 For the number of visitors to tourist attractions, we referred to the following figures for each local government.
      Chichibu-shi, Kawagoe-shi, Hanno-shi: “Number of Tourism Visitors to Municipalities in The Prefecture in 2023” published by Saitama Prefecture (Saitama Prefecture Tourism Visitor Statistics)
      Karuizawa-machi: “Fiscal Year 2024 Statistics of Karuizawa-machi” issued by Karuizawa-machi.

※2 Aggregated based on publicly available data from municipalities along the Seibu Line (as of the end of the fiscal year).

Creation of experience that stimulates the five senses

Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators Scope of Coverage Target values Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
Number of SEIBU PRINCE CLUB members Seibu Holidings inc. 2.6 million people by fiscal year ended March 31, 2027 1.8 million people
Overall stay score Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide 8.3pt in fiscal year ended March 31, 2025 8.3pt
Number of visitors to the baseball stadium Seibu Lions Increase from the previous year Increase of 210,000 over the previous year
Number of visitors to public-private partnership parks Seibu Landscape up 1% from the previous fiscal year 6% reduction compared to March 31, 2023

※ The hotel evaluates the satisfaction level of staying at 10 levels, separately from each item (questionnaire items at check-in, checkout, breakfast, dinner, etc.).We priortize this score, out of the whole guest questionnare.

Non-financial monitoring indicators Scope of Coverage Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
Number of facilities awarded the Forbes Travel Guide 5 Star Seibu Prince Hotels Wordwide 3 facilities

Provision of safe and secure services

Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators Scope of Coverage Target values Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
Liable accidents, incidents Seibu Railway 0 cases every fiscal year 0 cases
Incidents Izuhakone Railway 0 cases every fiscal year 0 cases
Railway operation accidents Ohmi railway 0 cases every fiscal year 0 cases
Fatal accidents Seibu Bus, Seibu Kanko Bus, Seibu Sogo Kikaku, Izu Hakone Bus, Omi Railway, and Kokoku Bus 0 cases every fiscal year 1 case
Serious injuries to persons outside and inside vehicles 0 cases every fiscal year 5 cases
Food poisoning incidents Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide 0 cases every fiscal year 0 cases
Number of serious liable accidents related to the maintenance and management of real estate facilities Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions 0 cases every fiscal year 0 cases

※ The hotel evaluates the satisfaction level of staying at 10 levels, separately from each item (questionnaire items at check-in, checkout, breakfast, dinner, etc.).We priortize this score, out of the whole guest questionnare.

Development and advancement of diverse human capital

Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators Scope of Coverage Target values Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
Human capital for strengthening Seibu Group Leaders of digital transformation Seibu Holdings Inc., head office divisions of major companies 300 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2027
Human capital for strengthening 4 major companies of Seibu Group ※1 Human capital for corporate planning Seibu Holdings Inc. 40 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2034
Human capital for railway operation planning Seibu Railway 20 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2027
Human capital for revitalization of towns along railway lines 30 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2027
Human capital for digital transformation 80 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2027
GM (Candidate for General Manager) Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide 100 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2036
Human capital for asset management Seibu Realty Solutions 30 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2027
Human capital for real estate development 70 in fiscal year ended March 31, 2027
Engagement Score Rating※2 All domestic group companies More than A58, year-on-year improvement 47.5※3
Common numerical targets for 4 Major Companies by fiscal year ended March 31, 2026※1 Ratio of female managers Main 4 companies※1 15% 6.1%
Ratio of non-Japanese managers Current ratio or higher 0.1% (±0 compared to fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)
Ratio of mid-career hire managers Current ratio or higher 16.3% (1.8pt increase compared fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)
Annual paid leave utilization rate 80% 77.5%
Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave 100% 73.5%


※1 Main 4 companies…Seibu Holdings, Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions

※2 Score Rating Based on the Results of Engagement Surveys Provided by Link and Motivation, Inc.

※3 Fiscal year ended March 31, 2025 Results.

Compliance and collaboration

Non-Financial Key Performance Indicators Scope of Coverage Target values Fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 Results
Ratio of independent outside directors Seibu Holdings Inc. 1/3 or more 42.9%
Response rate of questionnaire survey to the business partners Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions 100% every fiscal year 97.3%

※ Fiscal year ended March 31, 2025 Results.


Environmental Policy

The Seibu Group’s Environmental Policy 

Independent Third Party Assurance Report of ESG data

To ensure the reliability of the figures, the Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 Category 2 environmental data for FY2023 marked with ☑ have been third-party guaranteed by Ondo Inc.

Independent Third Party Assurance Report for FY2023 

Response to Climate Change

Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations 

Governing Structure


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Number of Seibu Group Sustainability Committee meetings SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Times 2 2
Number of Seibu Group Council for Promotion of Sustainability Actions Main operating companies 2 2
  • Main operating companies…Seibu Holdings, Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions,Seibu Bus, Seibu Lions, Izuhakone Railway, Ohmi Railway, Seibu Landscape

GHG emissions (CO2 emissions)

Unit Mar. 31 ,2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024 Comparison with the Mar.31 2019
Scope1 t-CO2 217,874 149,037 151,553 ▲30.4%
Scope2t-CO2 477,770 336,514 274,976 ▲42.4%
Total  t-CO2 695,644 485,551 426,529 ▲38.7%
GHG emissions intensity
(CO2 / operating revenue)
t-CO2 / millions of yen 1.22919 1.13317 0.89307 ▲27.3%
  • Scope of application: Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units.
  • Base year: the fiscal year ended Mar,31, 2019
  • Calculated in accordance with the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
  • CO2emissions from purchased electricity are calculated based on CO2 emissions factor after adjustment.
  • CO2 emissions from purchased electricity at overseas units are calculated based on CO2 emissions factor after adjustment.
  • For emissions per group unit (property), please see here. 
  • ※(September 13, 2024) The figure of CO₂ emission reduction for fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.

    ※Data marked with ☑ are guaranteed by a third party.

GHG emissions(CO2 emissions)


Scope of Coverage Unit 2019/3期 2023/3期 2024/3期
Scope1 Seibu Railway t-CO2 1,585 1,278 1,429
Scope2 178,584 160,044 100,961
Total 180,169 161,322 102,390
  • Calculated in accordance with the Act on the Rational Use of Energy and the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
  • CO2 emissions from purchased electricity are calculated based on CO2 emissions factor adjusted by each electric company

GHG emissions(Scope3)


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31,2019 Mar. 31,2023 Mar. 31,2024
Category 1 Purchased products & services Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units* t-CO2 286,811 340,549
Category 2 Capital goods Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units 186,336 233,179 ☑
Category 3 Fuel- and energy-related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) 80,911 84,090
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution
Category 5 Waste generated in operations 3,434 4,177
Category 6 Business travel 2,719 2,719
Category 7 Employee commuting 7,301 6,848
Category 8 Upstream leased assets
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution
Category 10 Processing of sold products
Category 11 Use of sold products
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products
Category 13 Downstream leased assets
Category 14 Franchises
Category 15 Investments
Total 567,512 671,562
Total GHG emissions( Scope 1+2+3 )※1 Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units※2 695,644 1,053,063 1,098,091
  • Category 4 is included in Category 1, and Category 8 and 13 are included in Scope 1 and 2.
  • Category 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 are not applicable.
  • ※1 Total GHG emissions for fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 are calculated based on Scope 1 + Scope 2 only.
  • ※2 Category 1 of Scope 3 from fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 are calculated by Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions
※(September 13, 2024) The figure of CO₂ emission reduction for fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.

※Data marked with ☑ are guaranteed by a third party.

Energy consumption


Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Gasoline kl 1,494 1,085 1,142
Kerosenekl 11,359 6,186 6,223
Light oil kl 28,108 21,440 22,349
Heavy oil A kl 4,819 2,425 2,962
LPG 8,881 5,635 5,063
LNG 0 456 357
City gas 1,000㎥ 33,105 22,911 24,657
Heat   GJ 89,586 44,932 72,268
Electricity 1,000kWh 1,007,062 783,072 799,284
Total 1,000GJ 13,638 10,196 10,648

Amount of renewable energy sales


Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Amount of renewable energy sales1,000kWh 16,107 21,304 20,290

Breakdown of Electricity Consumption and Renewable Energy Installed

Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Electricity 1,000kWh 1,007,062 783,072 799,284
-Amount of electricity purchase 1,000kWh 1,002,594 782,878 797,144
-Amount of renewable energy introduced* 1,000kWh 4,468 39,222 128,844
Renewable energy introduction rate % 0.44 5.01 16.12

*The amount of renewable energy introduced is the sum of the amount of renewable energy purchased, the amount of renewable energy consumed on-site, and the amount of electricity with offsets.
* (September 13, 2024) The figure of energy consumption and Renewable Energy Installed for fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.

Water Use


Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Total water withdrawal 1,000㎥ 12,821 8,942 9,153
Total water discharge 1,000㎥ 8,805 7,449 7,361
Amount of reused water 1,000㎥ 286 142 210
Water withdrawal per unit
(water withdrawal/operating revenue)
 ㎥/million yen 22.65448 20.86963 19.16378
  • For group units that do not individually measure the amount of water discharge, the amount of water withdrawal was applied.
  • *(September 13, 2024) The figure of water withdrawal, water discharge and water withdrawal per unit for fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.



Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Purchase volume of copier and office automation paper 1,000 sheets (A4 size) 126,044 78,210 69,185
Purchase volume of products using specified plasticst 78.7 85.2
  • Scope of application: Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units.

Volume of industrial waste


Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Volume of industrial waste t 11,134 8,941 11,673
  • The amount of industrial waste is calculated based on an Industrial Waste Management Sheet called the Manifest .
  • *(September 13, 2024) The figure of waste and industrial waste for fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.

Amount of food waste


Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Amount of food waste t 5,195 2,342 2,947
  • This applies to food-related businesses that generate large amount of food waste-100 tons or more a year.
  • *(September 13, 2024) The figure of waste and industrial waste for fiscal year ended March 31, 2019 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.

Chemical substances handled


Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Volume of PRTR substances handled t 185.0 47.0 1.0
Volume of PRTR sunstances released into atmosphere and transferred as waste t 2.0 2.0 0.0
  • Scope of application: group units subject to PRTR System.
  • Click here for details on PRTR method. (Ministry of the Environment website)

Emissions of polluting substances


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2019 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
NOx emissions Group units subject to Air Pollution Control Act t 69.7 35.4 41.9
NOx emissions Group units subject to Automotive NOx and PM Law t 67.5 31.1 43.2
Soot and dust emissions Group units subject to Air Pollution Control Act t 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sox emissions t 0.0 0.2 0.0
Voc emissions t 0.0 0.0 0.0
Particulate matter (PM) emissions Group units subject to automotive NOx and PM Law t 2.1 0.0 1.4
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) emissions Group units subject to Water Pollution Control Law. 3.9 5.4 2.1
  • Click here  for details on Air Pollution Control Act (Ministry of the Environment website)
  • Click here  for details on Automobile Nox and PM Law (Ministry of the Environment website)
  • Click here  for details on the Water Pollution Control Law (Ministry of the Environment website)
  • Nox --- Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions, Seibu Bus, Yokohama Arena, Seibuen Yuenchi, Seibu Recreation, Yokohama Hakkeijima, Seibu Kanko Bus, Seibu Sogo Kikaku, Izu Hakone Bus
    Dust and soot --- Yokohama Arena, Yokohama Hakkeijima
    Sox---Yokohama Hakkeijima
    PM: Seibu Railway, Seibu Bus, Seibu Kanko Bus, Seibu Sogo Kikaku, Izu Hakone Bus
    Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)---Seibu Realty Solutions, Seibu Recreation, Yokohama Hakkeijima, Prince Hotel Linen Supply
  • *(September 13, 2024) The figure of chemical substances handled and emissions of polluting substances for fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 through fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 have been revised.
  • This report has been compiled based on the Ministry of the Environment's Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018.
  • In principle, the fiscal year starts on April 1 and ends on March 31.


Action Guidelines for Directors and Employees

Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics / Principles of Conduct 

*Compliance with laws and regulations, respect for human rights, prohibition of lavish or inappropriate gifts or entertainment, prohibition of discrimination, etc.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 

Seibu Group Basic Policy on Diversity Promotion

Seibu Group Basic Policy on Diversity Promotion 

Human Rights Policy

Seibu Group Human Rights Policy 

Procurement Policy

Seibu Group’s Sustainable Procurement Policy. Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines Request to all our suppliers. 

Human Resource Data



Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31,2022 Mar. 31,2023 Mar. 31,2024
Number of employees Male Main 4 companies Persons 8,363 8,183 8,087
Female 3,328 3,190 3,267
Total 11,691 11,373 11,354
Ratio of female employees to total employees % 28.5 28 28.8
Number of new hires (new graduates) Male Persons 226 142 181
Female 214 106 241
Total 440 248 422
Ratio of women to new graduate hires % 48.6 42.7 57.1
Number of new hires (mid-career hiring) Persons 72 184
Number of new hires (Foreign nationals) Persons 10 19
Ratio of mid-career hiring to new hires % 22.5 30.4
Ratio of foreign nationals to new hires % 3.1 3.1
Number of employees with disabilities Persons 225 223 226
Number of non-Japanese employees Persons 134 118 119
Number of re-employed workers Persons 393 364 301
Average number of years of service Male Year 20.5 20.7 21.5
Female 9.4 10.5 10.9
Job turnover rate % 7.5 5.9
3-year retention rate % 64.0 58.1
Starting salary Graduates with higher than a master's degree SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. yen 250,000 267,000
College graduates 235,000 252,000
Graduates with higher than a master's degree Seibu Railway 240,000 257,000
College graduates 230,000 247,000
Graduates with higher than a master's degree Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide 209,500 251,500
College graduates 209,500 251,500
Graduates with higher than a master's degree Seibu Realty Solutions 241,000 248,000
College graduates 232,000 239,000
Average annual salary SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Thousand yen 7,958 8,112 8,342
Number of managers (equivalent to section managers) Male Main 4 companies Persons 782 804 790
Female 45 49 51
Total 827 853 841
Ratio of female managers % 5.4 5.7 6.1
Ratio of non-Japanese managers % 0.1 0.1 0.1
Ratio of experienced hires to number of managers % 15.1 14.5 16.3
Number of employees taking childcare leave Male Persons 105 135 108
Female 321 210 122
Total 426 345 230
Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave % 51.5 71.1 73.5
Number of days of men taking parental leave % 65.6 81.1 96.9
Number of employees taking nursing leave for family care Persons 10 14 15
Education hours per personHours Hours 35.1
Cost per person educated yen 20,138
Monthly average overtime working hours Hours 12.73 22.08 22.91
Utilization rate of annual paid leave %73.0 77.8 77.5

Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2025
Employee Engagement Score* All domestic group companies 47.5
Main 4 companies 48.1 49.8
Of these,SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. 52.2 56.4
Of these,Seibu Railway 50.1 48.9
Of these,Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide 47.3 49.9
Of these,Seibu Realty Solutions 48.3 51.0
  • *Score based on Motivation Cloud (provided by Link and Motivation, Inc.), with a baseline set at 50, representing the average deviation from other companies using the same service.
  • From the fiscal years ending March 2020 through March 2025.

Safety and Health


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31,2022 Mar. 31,2023 Mar. 31,2024
Number of occupational accidents requiring time-off from work Main 4 companies Number of case 37 63 78
Number of occupational accidents not requiring time-off work 96 140 106
Lost time injuries frequency rate 1.58 2.52 3.24
Number of fatalities due to industrial accidents (including contractors) Persons 0 0 0
Percentage of employees undergoing health checkups SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. % 98.5 97.4 100
Implementation rate of specific health guidance program 37.3 31.6 31.4
  • *Number of occupational accidents resulting in absence from work per million total actual working hours
  • ・Main 4 companies・・・Seibu Holdings, Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions



Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2022 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Donation SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. millions of yen 20 19 50


Policy on Corporate Ethics

Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics / Principles of Conduct 

*Compliance with laws and regulations, respect for human rights, prohibition of lavish or inappropriate gifts or entertainment, prohibition of discrimination, etc.

Systems to ensure that business is conducted properly

The Seibu Holdings’ Basic Policy on Internal Controls 

Human Rights Policy

Seibu Group Human Rights Policy 

Procurement Policy

Seibu Group’s Sustainable Procurement Policy. Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines Request to all our suppliers. 

Executive Data


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024 Mar. 31, 2025
Number of Directors Number of internal directors Male SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Persons 7 7 8
Total 7 7 8
Number of independent outside directors Male 2 2 4
Female 2 2 2
Total 4 4 6
Total 11 11 14
Ratio of independent outside directors SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. % 36.4 36.4 42.9
Ratio of female directors SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. % 18.2 18.2 14.3
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board Members Number of Internal Audit & Supervisory Board Members Male SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Persons 2 2 2
Total 2 2 2
Number of Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Members Male 2 2 2
Total 2 2 2
Total 4 4 4
Ratio of Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Members SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. % 50.0 50.0 50.0
Ratio of female Audit & Supervisory Board Members SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. %
Number of Nomination Advisory Committee members Number of Internal Nomination Advisory Committee Members Male SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Persons 2 2
Total 2 2
Number of Independent Nomination Advisory Committee Members Male 2 2 4
Female 2 2 2
Total 4 4 6
Total 6 6 6
Number of Remuneration Advisory Committee members Number of Internal Remuneration Advisory Committee Members Male SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Persons 2 2
Total 2 2
Number of Independent Remuneration Advisory Committee Members Male 2 2 4
Female 2 2 2
Total 4 4 6
Total 6 6 6
Number of Managing Officer Male SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Persons 9 11 12
Female 1
Total 9 11 13
Ratio of Women Managing Officer SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. % 7.7
  • ※The number and ratio of directors are the ones after the General Meeting of Shareholders held during each fiscal year.
  • ※From the fiscal years ending March 2020 through March 2025.

Board meetings


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2022 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Board of Directors Number of Board of Directors SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Times 19 19 19
Board of Directors Attendance % 98.9 98.9 98.2
Attendance of Independent Directors at Board of Directors 97.4 97.4 96.1
Audit & Supervisory Board Number of Audit & Supervisory Board SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Times 16 15 14
Audit & Supervisory Board Attendance % 100 100 100
Attendance of Audit & Supervisory Board 100 100 100
Nomination Advisory Committee Meetings Number of Nomination Advisory Committee Meetings SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Times 1 2 6
Attendance of Nomination Advisory Committee Meetings % 100 100 100
Remuneration Advisory Committee Meetings Number of Remuneration Advisory Committee Meetings Times 4 2 4
Attendance of Remuneration Advisory Committee Meetings % 100 100 100
Number of the Seibu Group Corporate Ethics Committee SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Times 5 5 5
Number of Corporate Governance Council 1 2 3
Number of Management Council 21 20 20

Executive Compensation


Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31,
Mar. 31,
Mar. 31,
Remuneration for Directors
(Excluding independent outside directors)
Basic remuneration※1 SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. millions of yen 173 156 200
Share-based remuneration※2 Annual 21
Long-term 72 73 85
Stock options
Total amount paid 246 230 307
Remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members
(Excluding Independent Audit & Supervisory Board Members)
Basic remuneration※3 SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. millions of yen 32 29 29
Share-based remuneration※2 Annual
Stock options
Total amount paid 32 29 29
Remuneration for Outside Directors and Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Members Basic remuneration SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. millions of yen 94 94 90
Share-based remuneration※2 Annual
Stock options
Total amount paid 94 94 90
  • ※1 The amount of remuneration, etc. for Directors is \720 million or less annually (including \180 million or less annually for outside Directors; excluding the amount of employee salary for Directors serving concurrently as employees).
  • ※2 The Company resolved to introduce a Board Benefit Trust (BBT) from the fiscal year ended March 2020. The maximum amount of contribution to the trust to be made as a fund to purchase shares for the Company’s Directors over a period of three fiscal years is ¥300 million for the annual incentive and ¥450 million for the long-term incentive.
    The amount of share-based remuneration (annual incentive + long-term incentive) is equal to the amount of provision for purchase of shares recognized in the current fiscal year, which is based on the points granted to each Director.
  • ※3 The amount of remuneration, etc. for Audit & Supervisory Board Members is ¥100 million or less annually.
  • ※4 As for fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, three of the Directors who concurrently serve as Directors of subsidiaries have received Directors’ remuneration, etc. from the respective subsidiaries during their term of office as the Company’s Directors, totaling ¥131 million.
    The annual incentive is performance-based remuneration.
    The Group recorded a large deficit in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 financial results due to the expansion of COVID-19, and the business environment was expected to remain challenging in fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.
    Despite the Company’s determined commitment to achieving the medium-term management plan, the Company’s Board of Directors resolved at the meeting that, given the contents of the budget and the business environment, fiscal year ended March 31, 2022 will not be considered as the point granting period for share-based remuneration (annual incentive), and hence, provision was not recognized.
  • ※5 As for fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, four of the Directors who concurrently serve as Directors of subsidiaries (including the one who retired on June 22, 2022) have received Directors’ remuneration, etc. from the respective subsidiaries during their term of office as the Company’s Directors, totaling ¥124 million.
    Additionally, one Audit & Supervisory Board member who serves concurrently as a fulltime Audit & Supervisory Board member of a subsidiary has received corporate officer remuneration and other benefits from the subsidiary in the amount of ¥12 million.
    As the annual incentive is linked to business performance and the award conditions were not met in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, no provision was recorded.
  • ※6 As for fiscal year ended March 31,2024,five of the Directors who concurrently serve as Directors of subsidiaries have received Directors’ remuneration, etc. from the respective subsidiaries during their term of office as the Company’s Directors, totaling ¥152 million.
    Additionally, one Audit & Supervisory Board Member who concurrently serves as Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member of a subsidiary has received Officers’ remuneration, etc., from the subsidiary during his/her term of office as the Company’s Audit & Supervisory Board Member, totaling ¥20 million.
    The amount of share-based remuneration (annual incentive + long-term incentive) is equal to the amount of provision for purchase of shares recognized in the current fiscal year, which is based on the points granted to each Director.



Scope of Coverage Unit Mar. 31, 2022 Mar. 31, 2023 Mar. 31, 2024
Number of consultations and reports via the internal help line Seibu Holdings Inc. and the group's all units Reports 195 204 235
Number of times learning for the Code of Conduct SEIBU HOLDINGS INC. Times 3 3 3
Response rate of questionnaire survey to the business partners Seibu Railway, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide, Seibu Realty Solutions 97.3