As a corporate group that creates activity and excitement for customers in all aspects of their daily lives and conducts highly public business activities rooted in local communities, the Seibu Group has committed itself to respecting the human rights of everyone involved in those activities to achieve the ideals behind the “Smiles ahead” slogan.
As our guidelines, we have established the “Seibu Group Human Rights Policy” (hereinafter the “Policy”).
1.Basic approach
(1)Purpose of the Policy
The Seibu Group has established “Respect for human rights,” which stipulates that every officer and employee shall respect human rights, as an item of the “Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics.” The Policy explains the contents of “Respect for human rights” in the “Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics” in detail.
(2)Scope of application
The Policy applies to every officer and employee (company employee, probationary employee, contract employee, part-time employee, temporary employee, etc.) of the Seibu Group. In addition, we strive to foster understanding of the Policy among our clients, suppliers and other stakeholders so that all stakeholders respect human rights together with the Seibu Group.
(3)Support of international human rights law
The Seibu Group supports and respects human rights as expressed in the “International Bill of Human Rights” and the “ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,” and works to respect human rights in accordance with the United Nations’ “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.”
(4)Responsibility to respect human rights
The Seibu Group will fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights by respecting the human rights of customers, members of local communities, employees and everyone involved in its supply chains and business activities, and also by properly responding to incidents contrary to respect for human rights in its own business activities.
(5)Prohibition of discrimination
The Seibu Group does not discriminate in any way on the basis of race, gender, religion, creed, nationality, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, health condition, birthplace, occupation, social status, etc.
(6)Prohibition of harassment
The Seibu Group does not make any remarks or commit any acts that damage a person’s character, including sexual harassment, power harassment, and harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare and caregiving.
(7)Work environment
The Seibu Group provides a safe and healthy work environment in accordance with laws and regulations.
(8)Management of and wages for working hours
The Seibu Group appropriately manages working hours and ensures appropriate wages in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it carries out business activities.
(9)Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
The Seibu Group does not carry out forced labor and child labor. Furthermore, the Seibu Group does not tolerate any form of modern-day slavery, including human trafficking.
(10)Freedom of association and collective bargaining rights
The Seibu Group respects the freedom of association and collective bargaining rights in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which it carries out business activities.
2.Approach to respecting human rights
(1)Education and training
The Seibu Group will ensure that officers and employees understand the Policy, and carry out the education and training necessary for them to put it into practice.
(2)Human rights due diligence
The Seibu Group will implement human rights due diligence by understanding if there are any risks of adverse impacts on human rights in the Group, and working to prevent or mitigate them in advance.
(3)Remedy and relief
If an event occurs in which the Seibu Group’s business activities cause adverse impacts on human rights or if the promotion of such an event comes to light, the Seibu Group will remedy it and provide relief. Furthermore, if the Seibu Group’s services or products are directly linked to an event that adversely impacts human rights due to a business relationship, even if it was not caused by the Seibu Group’s business activities or if they did not promote it, the Seibu Group will work to rectify it.
In addition, the Seibu Group will appropriately respond to consultations or reports from internal or external stakeholders regarding actions that infringe on human rights.
(4)Dialogue with stakeholders
The Seibu Group will engage in dialogue with related external stakeholders regarding the impact on human rights.
(5)Information disclosure
The Seibu Group carries out appropriate information disclosure regarding initiatives for respecting human rights.