We ensure compliance, and the soundness and transparency of management. We focus on dialogue with stakeholders and work on appropriate collaboration.
Non-Financial KPI
The Seibu Group sets non-financial KPIs for each materiality (important theme).
For details, please click here.
Initiatives to Permeate and Ensure Awareness of Compliance
To enhance and strengthen the compliance structure by preparing a code of conduct for employees and officers, the Company has established Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics as a basic policy shared by the Group and conducts activities in the three areas of rules, organization and penetration/establishment for the Code's implementation and observance.
"The 'Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics' is a compilation of the fundamental guidelines that the Seibu Group should always keep in mind in order to fulfill its responsibility as a member of society and become a trusted corporate group. It serves as the most basic unified rule regarding compliance."
Seibu Group Compliance Rules
Seibu Group Principles of Conduct
A summary of guidance which is to be followed by all our officers and employees in carrying out their duties, based on the Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics.
Compliance Manual
The booklet compiles the ' Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics,' ' Seibu Group Principles of Conduct,' and the 'Case Studies,' and is distributed to all members and employees of the group. The manual is used for workplace discussions and compliance training.
Compliance Card
This compiles the " Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics," "Seibu Group Code of Conduct," and hotline contact information, which can be referred to when in doubt about making judgments during the course of business operations. It is distributed to all members of the group, including executives and employees.
Seibu Group Compliance System Basic Regulations
This document establishes the basic principles for the operation of the Group's compliance system. It defines the rules regarding the structure for promoting and establishing compliance, as well as the internal reporting system.
Compliance Structure(Organizational Framework)
Group Compliance System
Seibu Holdings has established a Compliance Department to oversee compliance within the group, working in collaboration with the compliance departments of each group company to strengthen the system. Additionally, the "Seibu Group Corporate Ethics Committee" has been formed, consisting of the president of Seibu Holdings, the presidents of each group company, and external committee members, to promote compliance throughout the entire group.
Seibu Group Corporate Ethics Committee
The committee meets five times a year to conduct integrated administration of the compliance structure of the entire Seibu Group, chaired by the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Company and with officers of the Company, external experts and representatives of Group companies as members. The committee decides basic policies for compliance, verifies and reviews the status of their promotion, resolves issues related to corporate ethics and considers measures to prevent their recurrence, among other activities. The committee also holds lively debates including discussions of various compliance-related themes.
Composition of Members of the Seibu Group Corporate Ethics Committee(As of June 21, 2023.)
Committee Chairman | NISHIYAMA Ryuichiro (President of Seibu Holdings) |
Committee Members |
Hotlines (Internal Notification System)
For swift identification and resolution of internal issues, the company has established two internal notification systems: a corporate ethics hotline and a sexual harassment and human relations hotline. Each system includes internal contact points, as well as external contact points such as a subcontracting company and a law firm.They may be selected depending on the preferences of users. The hotlines are available to all officers and employees of the Seibu Group, as well as individuals within one year of withdrawing from the Group. While users are encouraged to provide their real names, anonymous calls are also accepted.
We ensure the protection of hotline users and employees who cooperate in investigations by establishing regulations that prohibit detrimental information obtained from the hotlines from being distributed. This information is centrally managed by the Company and has resulted in swift issue resolution, prevention of recurrence, and improvements in business operations. We also accept advice and support from experts as necessary.
Corporate Ethics Hotline
This hotline was established by the Company to swiftly address compliance concerns raised by employees, preventing them from escalating into larger issues. The hotline also accepts consultations and inquiries regarding whether specific actions constitute a violation of compliance. Additionally, it serves as a contact point for reporting incidents to prevent corrupt practices, including bribery and corruption.
Sexual Harassment and Human Relations Hotline
This hotline was established as a point of contact for consultations regarding workplace harassment and human relationships. The hotline aims to create an environment where individuals can seek advice in a more informal manner and to deter harassment in the workplace.
Activities to establish and ensure compliance
Establishment of the basic compliance policy and medium-term targets
Seibu Holdings has set medium-term targets for compliance across the entire Group, starting from 2004 when the Seibu Railway began systematic compliance efforts. These targets are based on the Group's fundamental compliance policy, "The Practice of Compliance Based on the Group Vision." From FY2024 to FY2028, the Group aims to meet societal expectations by continuously enhancing and ensuring compliance toward this goal. Additionally, every employee is encouraged to consider compliance and human rights as personal responsibilities and common practices.
Establishment of the compliance action plan
For each fiscal year, Seibu Holdings establishes a group-wide compliance action policy, and each Group company develops a specific action plan based on this policy. Each company is responsible for pursuing compliance initiatives autonomously, while Seibu Holdings offers guidance and assistance to support the activities of each Group company. In FY2024, the entire Group is focused on establishing and ensuring compliance under the slogan, "Recognize each other's differences and act with compassion."
Implementation of Compliance Week
We have designated the third week of October as Compliance Week for the entire Group to strengthen our commitment to compliance. As part of this group-wide initiative, we organize a compliance seminar.
・Top Management’s Commitment
The President of Seibu Holdings, who is Chief Compliance Officer of the Seibu Group, sends out a commitment to compliance to all officers and employees.
・Seibu Group Compliance Seminar
To promote shared awareness of compliance throughout the Seibu Group and to raise awareness of compliance throughout the Seibu Group, we present case studies on various topics such as harassment, communication in the workplace, and awareness of unconscious bias in the form of skits. In addition to live streaming, we provide on-demand streaming on the intranet.
・Seibu Group Compliance Slogan Award
To inspire Seibu Group officers and employees to consider compliance, we solicit compliance-related slogans and award the best entries. Posters of the grand prize-winning slogans from each group company are displayed at workplaces to promote and ensure compliance awareness.
【Grand Prize in FY2023 Seibu Group Slogan Award】
“Let's listen to, talk about, and respond to everyone's thoughts!”
・Seibu Group Employee Meeting
The President of Seibu Holdings holds meetings with employees from group companies. During these meetings, the President listens directly to employees and shares his message about compliance.
Implementation of the compliance questionnaire survey
The compliance questionnaire survey is conducted with all officers and employees. The results are then shared with the employees and incorporated into the compliance program for subsequent fiscal years. This feedback loop helps to address the issues identified in the survey and enhance the effectiveness of future surveys.
Compliance training
Seibu Holdings and its Group companies offer training sessions on compliance with laws, regulations, and internal policies, as well as on topics such as respect for human rights and harassment prevention. Additionally, they share information regarding the prevention of corruption and updates on compliance news with employees. These efforts are aimed at establishing and maintaining compliance across the organization.
Seibu Group Human Rights Policy
As a corporate group that creates activity and excitement for customers in all aspects of their daily lives and conducts highly public business activities rooted in local communities, the Seibu Group respects the human rights of everyone involved in those activities to achieve the ideals behind the “Smiles ahead” slogan of the Group Vision.
In addition, the Seibu Group has established the “Seibu Group Human Rights Policy” to indicate in greater detail the Seibu Group’s views on “Respect for human rights,” which is stipulated in the “Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics,” and promotes initiatives for respecting human rights.
Procurement Initiatives
The Seibu Group aims to fulfill its social responsibilities through its business activities based on the Group Vision, which is the Group's management philosophy and management policy, and the Seibu Group Code of Corporate Ethics, which sets forth the Group's fundamental rules on compliance.
In particular, we created the Seibu Group’s Sustainable Procurement Policy, which stipulate the criteria to be observed by the Seibu Group, and the Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines Request to our suppliers (business partners) , which stipulate the criteria to be understood and cooperated by suppliers.
The Seibu Group is committed to contributing to the realization of a sustainable society throughout the supply chain through with our group companies and business partners.
Policies and guidelines
Seibu Group’s Sustainable Procurement Policy
Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines Request to all our suppliers (business partners)
In order to provide safer, securer, and more comfortable services and products, the Seibu Group has visited and had dialogue with business partners many times in the past, as we strive for the realization of a sustainable society throughout the supply chain.
Defining business partners with a large transaction amount in the main business of each Group company as especially important business partners, the Seibu Group conducts questionnaire surveys of those business partners to confirm the state of their efforts in line with the Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines.
In FY2023, 182 business partners* responded to the survey, and we confirmed that there were no major problems.
Based on the survey results, we will maintain even closer communication with our business partners and promote cooperation in line with the Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines.
*Companies surveyed in FY2023: Business partners of Seibu Railway Co., Ltd, Seibu Prince Hotels Worldwide Inc., and Seibu Realty Solutions Inc.
- Main items of the questionnaire survey
- 1.Understanding of and cooperation with the Seibu Group Supplier Guidelines
- 2.Ensuring safety
- 3.Legal compliance and fair trade
- 4.Consideration for the environment
- 5.Respect for human rights and consideration for the work environment
Number of responses to the questionnaire survey | Number of companies where we have confirmed initiatives and made the Guidelines known through on-site visits, the holding of briefing sessions, etc. | |
FY2022 | ― | 50 companies* |
FY2023 | 182 companies | Aggregation currently in process |