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Sustainability Management

Materialities(Important themes)

Decarbonization and effective use of resources

We always consider the natural environment and the global environment, and contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society and resource-recycling society.

Building towns people want to live in or visit

We create towns people want to live in by brightening up various scenes of life. We promote town building that attracts diverse people and creates eager to visit.

Creation of experience that stimulates the five senses

We provide fun, emotion, excitement and purpose in life, and create special moments for people to smile.

Provision of safe and secure services

We promote all of our businesses and services always based on safety, and provide everyone with a secure daily life.

Development and advancement of diverse human capital

By enhancing individual skills and creating an organization that provides job satisfaction, we will put a smile on our fellow employees' faces. We will increase the expertise of workers and develop professional human capital.

Compliance and collaboration

We ensure compliance, and the soundness and transparency of management. We focus on dialogue with stakeholders and work on appropriate collaboration.

The process of determining the Group's key objectives

  1. STEP


    Make a list

    Develop a list of 257 items of social issues (SDGs, GRI Standards, ISO26000, SASB, etc.) and the Group’s risks and opportunities

  2. STEP


    Make a shortlist and categorize

    Closely examine items listed in STEP1 and consolidate them into 57.
    Further classify them into 16.

  3. STEP


    Rate the importance level

    Plot these 16 items to assess the importance of each category.
    Summarize these categories to set important theme.

  4. Importance rating by category

  5. Materialities

    • 1Decarbonization and effective use of resources
    • 2Building towns people
      want to live in or visit
    • 3Creation of experience
      that stimulates the five senses
    • 4Provision of safe and secure services
    • 5Development and advancement of diverse human capital
    • 6Compliance and collaboration

    are not independent as their elements are included in other materialities.

  6. STEP


    Discuss internally

    Discussions are held at the Seibu Group Sustainability Committee, the Management Council and the Board of Directors to identify six materialities

Structure for promoting Sustainability Actions

We have established the “Seibu Group Sustainability Actions Development Guidelines” to put together a structure for promoting Sustainability Actions in a continuous, proactive, and systematic manner.
The Seibu Group has established the Seibu Group Sustainability Committee, where a meeting takes place twice a year in principle, to report and discuss the Group's approach to Sustainability Actions and its progress at each Group company as well as its response to climate-change risks.
The content of those reports and discussions at the Committee are reported to the Board of Directors of Seibu Holdings. In addition, information is shared at Seibu Group Sustainability Actions Promotion Council, which is composed of representatives from departments promoting Sustainability Actions in order to ensure effectiveness of what’s been discussed at the Committee.
The details are as follows.

(1) Seibu Group Sustainability Committee (meetings held twice a year in principle)

To steadily promote sustainability initiatives as the group-wide implementation by monitoring the progress and determining a direction.
CEO of Seibu Holdings (Chairperson)
President and Representative Director, President and COO of Seibu Holdings
Executive Officer in Charge of Corporate Strategy Department of Seibu Holdings
Presidents of main business companies in Seibu Group
Major activities
  • Reporting progress on measures related to Sustainability Actions from each Seibu Group company (including progress on CO2 emission reduction).
  • Discussing important themes (materialities) and other policy-related matters.
  • Discussing cross-functional measures in response to climate changes, human resource management, supply chain management, etc.
  • Report on responses to external requests from ESG evaluation organizations, etc.

(2) Seibu Group Sustainability Actions Promotion Council

To share the orientation and implementation methods of the Group with each of its member companies and facilitate systematic progress
General Manager of Corporate Strategy Department, Seibu Holdings(Chairperson)
Representatives of Departments promoting Sustainability Actions
Major activities
  • Sharing the orientation discussed at Seibu Group Sustainability Committe
  • Reporting progress in Sustainability Actions
  • Sharing information on matters of the Seibu Group

(3) Departments promoting Sustainability Actions

Departments that promote Sustainability Actions the Seibu Group’s main business companies and at business companies in the same governance grouping

Sustainability Actions Implementation Framework Chart

For risk management (risk management process) of the Group, please see here.