Smiles ahead
The Group Vision was established in 2006
as an expression of what all of us who work
at the Seibu Group are striving toward, united in heart and purpose.
Summarizing what the Seibu Group must do and
what the Seibu Group is uniquely positioned to do,
it is the starting point of all our activities.
It consists of the Group Philosophy, which is our unchanging basic stance,
and the Group Declaration, which guides the individual conduct of
all of us in the Group and is an important promise to our customers and society,
along with our slogan, which succinctly describes these commitments.
The Group Philosophy
All of us at the Seibu Group work to help develop the local communities,
as well as society at large, to protect the environment,
and to provide safe, pleasant services for memorable experiences.
We also proudly and responsibly meet the challenge of
creating the kind of new services that will move customers.
The Group Declaration
Our aim is to be professionals
promoting customers' activities for rich experiences.

- Engage in all businesses and services with safety as their foundation.
- Open- and fair-minded in our conduct.
- Respect the opinions of our customers and the members of our local communities.

- Mindful of the natural and global environment. - Act as a member of our local community. - Proactively cooperate with entities within and outside our group.

- Act from a global perspective. - Offer new services in anticipation of the coming times [new innovations]. - Bring exciting new experiences to our customers' lives.

Imagine you make a new discovery,
or experienced something unexpected every time you went out?
Whether you are taking a trip for pleasure,
going on a date or taking your child to school,
every occasion of going out can be special, which makes you smile.
That’s why the Seibu Group will exceed the expectations of our guests.
We will always work hard to help make people’s lives happier,
by acting in new ways so that people on the go experience excitement and joy.
We at the Seibu Group deeply care about people on the go.
Efforts to instill the Group Vision

The Group Vision that was formulated on March 27, 2006 explains the Seibu Group's management philosophy as well as the starting point and ultimate goal of all activities of Group employees. We are rolling out measures to promote it in various ways.
- Survey on the Group Vision is conducted annually among all Group executives and employees to find out how well the Group Vision has penetrated the Group and identify any issues.
- Team Smile Awards recognizing outstanding efforts based on the Group Vision.
- Smile Factory wherein employees from Seibu Group companies submit measures and ideas to management to create a climate conducive to taking up challenges and promote inter-company collaboration.
- Good Job Card, a tool for recognizing positive actions taken by subordinates based on the Group Vision and support communication within the workplace.
- Operate an internal website called “web-ism” (information for Seibu group members) ,sharing various information related to the Group Vision.