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Shareholders(As of March 31, 2024)

  • Total number of shares authorized1,300,000,000 shares
  • Total number of shares issued323,462,920 shares
    (including 192,190 treasury shares)
  • Number of shareholders55,479

Major shareholders (Top 10)

Name of shareholderNumber of shares held
(Thousands of shares)
Shareholding ratio
NW Corporation Inc.*2 51,158 15.83
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 31,478 9.74
GOLDMAN, SACHS & CO. REG 13,454 4.16
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 11,941 3.69
Development Bank of Japan Inc. 9,906 3.06
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. as trustee for Retirement Benefit Trust Account K re-entrusted by Mizuho Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. 7,529 2.33
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. 7,114 2.20
Keikyu Corporation 6,655 2.06
Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd. 4,738 1.47
Total 148,303 45.88

*1. The shareholding ratio is calculated after deducting treasury shares.
*2. SEIBU RAILWAY CO., LTD. (“SR”) and SEIBU REALTY SOLUTIONS INC. (“SRS”), consolidated subsidiaries of the Company, hold shares in NW Corporation (“NW”). The articles of incorporation of NW have a provision which provides that a part of the shares in NW held by SR and SRS does not grant voting rights in relation to any resolutions proposed in connection with “election of officers (other than accounting auditors)” and “amendment to the articles of incorporation” (the said provision, the “Relevant Provision of the AOI”). Accordingly, with respect to the NW shares held by SR and SRS, the ratio of voting rights that is deemed to be the basis for the calculation of shares devoid of voting rights under the provision of Article 308 of the Companies Act (the said shares, the “Cross-held Shares”; the said voting rights, the “Voting Rights Subject to Cross-shareholding”) remained less than one quarter (1/4) of the total number of the voting rights in NW. Therefore, NW had voting rights with respect to shares in the Company and was the Company’s major shareholder. On May 9, 2024, SR transferred to SEIBU PRINCE HOTELS WORLDWIDE INC. (“SPW”) a part of its shares in NW. Based on ground that the Relevant Provision of the AOI does not apply to the shares in NW held by SPW, the number of Voting Rights Subject to Cross-shareholding with respect to shares in NW held by the Group amounted to not less than one quarter (1/4) of the total number of the voting rights in NW. Therefore, the Company shares held by NW became Cross-held Shares, thereby eliminating the voting rights with respect to the shares in the Company held by NW, and therefore, NW is no longer the Company’s major shareholder.