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Building towns people want to live in or visit


We create towns people want to live in by brightening up various scenes of life. We promote town building that attracts diverse people and creates eager to visit.

Non-Financial KPI

The Seibu Group sets non-financial KPIs for each materiality (important theme).
For details, please click here.

Activities of each group company

Revitalization of areas along railway lines and local communities

Initiatives to revitalize areas along railway lines and improve their attractiveness

The Group companies are working on revitalizing and enhancing the attractiveness of local communities by opening and operating new facilities and implementing measures to attract tourists in addition to providing regional and tourism information in cooperation with local governments and other organizations.

Specific initiatives

Building a strong relationship with local communities

The Group companies make further efforts to build a strong relationship with their local communities. For example, Seibu Railway and Seibu Lions both work to bring dynamism to local areas through their participation in assemblies and conferences as well as collaboration with relevant organizations. Likewise, Prince Hotels supports local producers of food, beverages and handicrafts by selling their goods at the hotels. In addition, each Group company participates in environmental improvement activities such as cleanups conducted by local governments.

Specific initiatives

Ensuring full access to transportation

The Group companies, including Seibu Bus and Izuhakone Railway Group, offer community bus services and cooperate in ride sharing programs to ensure that everyone in rural communities has access to public transportation.

Specific initiatives
  • Ohmi Railway Group collaborates with local government to provide shared taxi service.
  • Seibu Realty Solutions invites car- and bicycle-sharing businesses to operate from parking lots on some properties.
  • As part of the "Eco-Town Creation Project by Smart Mobility in Chichibu City and Yokoze Town" by Seibu Holdings, Chichibu City, and Yokoze Town, the Chichibu tourist information service website "Nottemi-Chichibu" is now in operation.
  • Seibu Holdings conducted a demonstration experiment using electric kickboard sharing services in areas along the Seibu Haijima Line in cooperation with BRJ Inc., with an aim to realize seamless transportation and living.

Creating accessibility through universal design

Making barrier-free at facilities

The Seibu Group is a member of The Valuable 500 global initiative to draw out the latent potential of those with disabilities and promote their participation in society. 
Specifically, the Group has committed to improving facilities that accommodate diverse customers, providing services that satisfy them, promoting employment of people with disabilities, and creating comfortable work environments.
The Group companies have been applying universal design principles with the goal of making its buildings and facilities fully accessible to everyone, including people with physical disabilities.

Specific initiatives

Improving services for international tourists

As an operator of transportation services and hotels, the Group works earnestly to assist tourists visiting Japan, which have been growing rapidly in recent years.

Counter measures for aging population and low birthrate

Helping child-rearing

With the number of children in Japan on the decline, the Group makes conscious efforts to support childrearing. In communities along its train lines, Seibu Railway and Ohmi Railway provide nursery school services. The Group also makes it easier to travel with children by equipping trains with stroller zones.

Specific initiatives
  • Seibu Railway operates the Nicot brand of nursery schools in train station buildings to provide convenient access to childcare services.
  • Ohmi Railway operates a nursery school near Hikone station.
  • Opened the shared office "emiffice". Emiffice Nerima has an after-school program to help employees balance work and childcare.
  • Seibu Hire offers a 24-hour taxi service for pregnant women and mothers with small children.
  • Izuhakone Taxi Group provides a specially designated taxi service for pregnant women.
  • Ohmi Taxi provides a child-friendly taxi service for young family.

Offering learning opportunities for children and families

The Group has been providing children with practical and hands-on learning opportunities, such as family sports days and occupational role playing events, through the Group Children's Support Project . The project was launched for the purpose of providing valuable experiences to children and memorable times for families, and will be actively promoted in the future.

Specific initiatives

Offering support for senior citizens

The Group has launched a project for helping senior citizens live happier and more active lives. A wide range of activities are being offered through the project .

Aiming at a town where people want to live and visit

The Seibu Group, including Seibu Railway, is engaged in community development to improve customer service and realize safe and comfortable living for residents.

Development and renovation of stations

Seibu Railway promotes development and renovation of stations  to improve convenience. We will continue to improve our services to customers and contribute to the development of a safe and comfortable community.


Continuous railroad grade separation project

Seibu Railway is working with local governments and other entities to promote the continuous railroad grade separation project .
The project will reduce congestion through increased transportation capacity, improve safety, eliminate traffic jams, and integrate urban areas that had been divided by railroads. By promoting this project, we aim to contribute to safe and comfortable urban development.