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Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023

Regarding the year-end dividend for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, we have set an ordinary dividend of ¥20 per share (annual dividend of ¥25 per share including an interim dividend of ¥5 per share), taking into account that the “management reforms” that we have been working on as essential features of the “FY2021-FY2023 Seibu Group’s Medium-term Management Plan” have been generally on track, and that “transfer of part of the assets of the Hotel and Leisure Business toward asset-light business operations” has been completed, in addition to the fact that current operating results have been recovering in light of the business environment.

Dividends for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024

Regarding the annual dividend for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, after giving comprehensive consideration to the consolidated earnings forecasts for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024 and to the status of funds described we plan to pay a dividend of ¥25 per share(interim dividend ¥12.5 year-end dividend ¥12.5).

Basic policy on profit distribution and dividends for the current period and the following period

The Group’s businesses are focused primarily on the Urban Transportation and Regional business segment, the Hotel and Leisure business segment, and the Real Estate business segment, with a management objective of achieving sustainable and strong growth. Our basic policy is to strengthen the business base of our Group companies and enhance our corporate value and to strengthen our financial strength by accumulating retained earnings while continuing to make stable dividend payments.
In addition, in accordance with our long-term financial strategy, we aim to provide returns to our stakeholders and conduct investments that will contribute to our future growth in a balanced manner.
Furthermore, our basic policy is to use retained earnings, while considering further improvement in our financial strength, and to invest in strengthening the future business base of our group, establishing a stable management base.