
Initiatives for Women's Advancement

SEIBU Diversity College

A career development community for fostering personalized female leaders who aspire to management positions. This event has been held annually since 2016 with the aim of helping female employees learn about their own motivations, increase their motivation for promotion, develop necessary skills, and expand their personal networks.
Managers also participate in this program to promote environmental support for development and to learn various management methods. They formulate action plans for workplace issues together with female employees and practice mentorship through practical work. On the last day of the training, the participants present their progress and findings in front of the presidents of their respective companies and share their challenges to reinvigorate their workplaces and organizations through new perspectives and improvements. Through the implementation of the action plans, the women themselves experience growth and a mindset toward career advancement.

Diversity Promotion Event “Women's Forum”

With the themes of career advancement and work-life balance, which many female employees face, lectures by outside instructors and panel discussions by senior female employees of the group are held to create learning opportunities for participants to work in a positive manner.

Participation in Japan Women's Innovative Network known as “J-Win”

To further enhance the engagement of our female employees, Seibu Group has been a member of J-Win, a non-profit organization, since FY2016. We actively send female employees from our group to participate in its programs. J-Win not only provides the latest information on diversity management but also creates opportunities for female businesspeople across industries and business categories to study together. It aims to foster female leaders by developing their capabilities and expanding their networks. Through these activities, our goal is to build networks spanning different industries and business categories, ultimately achieving greater diversity.

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    J-Win is a corporate member-based organization, with the aim of supporting the promotion and establishment of diversity management in companies. The non-profit organization provides advice and consulting on women's empowerment, conducts seminars and lectures, various surveys, and other activities to support the promotion of diversity management in companies.